3 Tips for Preparing Your Cows for Winter

Winter is just around the corner. For farmers, winter can be a time of relaxation, but it can also be a time of stress. Winter is hard on herd animals. Cows, especially, can be quite vulnerable to changing weather and winter conditions. When your cows get unhealthy, you may notice weight loss and a change in milk production that can affect you and your family for months. To prevent this, you'll want to keep your cows in peak condition. Here are 3 tips to protect your herd this winter.

Tip #1: Schedule a Veterinary Visit

Even if your herd seems strong and healthy, it's important to schedule a visit with your local large animal veterinarian before winter sets in. Parasites, worms, and other illnesses can spread quickly in the winter when your herd is contained in a closed space. Before the cold sets in, you'll want to give every member of your herd their best chance for a healthy season by making sure they're up-to-date on their shots and de-wormed.

Tip #2: Keep the Herd Indoors When It's Wet

A cow's coat insulates them from the cold, but it does very little to help them against the wet. That's why you'll want to ensure that the barn you're keeping them in is weather-proof and doesn't have leaky eaves or holes in the walls that will let the moisture in. Any days in the winter when it's raining or snowing, you'll want to keep your herd inside to prevent the wet from seeping into their coats and making them ill.

Tip #3: Know Your Herd

Even if you follow the other two recommendations on this list, certain members of your herd may have a harder time this winter than other members. Undersized cows, young cows, and senior cows can have an especially hard time staying warm and healthy in the winter. Pay special attention to these members of your herd throughout the winter, and be prepared to supplement their feed if needed.

No one ever said that a farmer's life was easy. When you're responsible for a herd of animals, there's a lot of pressure to keep them safe and healthy throughout the harsh, cold winter months. For more help keeping your cows warm and healthy this winter,contact us today.

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